Grieving During A Pandemic

Grieving During A Pandemic

Grieving during normal times is hard enough but when you add a pandemic into the picture grieving becomes even harder.  Over the past couple months thousands of people had to experience a loved one dying in a nursing home or hospital alone due to visitor restrictions.  This separation causes the feelings of guilt, shame, regret and for many a lack of closure.  HOPE understands and wants to help.

HOPE has put together two brochures that are available to the public:

“Understanding Grief During the Pandemic” Helping Yourself Helping Others

“The Pandemic: Ways Management Helps Grieving Employees”

For employers who wish to help a grieving staff member.

These brochures are available by calling HOPE at 315-475-9675.

Beginning September 10, 2020 HOPE For Bereaved will be hosting a monthly COVID-19 Support Group for those whose loved one died of COVID or other causes during the pandemic.  The group will meet the second Thursday of every month.