Do I have to call to let you know that I plan on attending a support group?

No, it is not necessary to register for any of HOPE’s support groups.

Can I bring a friend or family member with me to a support group?

Yes, your friend or family member is welcome to attend as many support groups as you’d like.

Do you have one-to-one counseling available?

Yes, please contact HOPE to schedule an appointment. HOPE’s counselors are certified bereavement counselors who have been counseling for 30 years at HOPE.

Do you charge for your counseling?

No, our counseling is provided free-of-charge to the bereaved, but contributions are gratefully accepted.

Do you provide counseling services for children? What ages?

Yes, we have a Youth Counselor who is experienced in working with children.  We suggest children ages 10 and up.

How old does my child need to be to attend the youth bereavement groups?

We suggest that children ages 6 & older attend.

Contact HOPE at 315-475-9675 to schedule a counseling appointment.