It is critical to help grieving students to understand and cope with their grief; otherwise it may remain with them until adulthood and continue to cause problems. Unresolved grief for youth may affect their relationships, physical and emotional health and self-esteem; jeopardize school work, result in drug and alcohol abuse and may be a primary cause of suicide.
For 35 years, HOPE has been responding to requests for help from schools after the death of a student, teacher or support staff. In 2010 we developed Grief Resource Kits for elementary and middle/high schools. The kits are packed with helpful information- ‘checklists’; brochures for students, parent(s)/caregivers(s), school personnel; flyer on “What to Say, What to Wear and How to Act at a Wake or Funeral?”; posters; books and articles on grief.
“The Grief Resource Kit is invaluable. After a call from a school counselor about a suicide early that day I went to the kit and found resources for the school. The list of steps to take and what to do and say was vital for me. I was able to give them resources that helped them move through the next few days. I am recommending the kit to all counselors.”
Youth Development Coordinator/Counselor
Helping Children and Teens Cope with Grief
Education & Resources for Schools
Provides in-service training for teachers, crisis teams, full school staff, parent groups as well as classes for students. The Grief Resource Kit is available in a not to be misplaced three-ring binder.
Contact us for more information, by phone at (315) 475-9675 or by email at [email protected]. To arrange for a training seminar, contact us or fill our the form.