Event Program Advertising

You may wish to place a business ad of congratulations or a memorial to your loved one in the event program.  It is given to all attendees as well as to business leaders who visit HOPE during the year.  Listed below is ad information.


Booklet size: 5-1/2” wide X 8-1/2” high.
All ads need to be black & white camera-ready artwork and submitted in the following formats:

  • High-resolution PDF with fonts and graphics embedded, 300 dpi TIFF file
  • InDesign CS with support files (fonts & graphics) included
  • Freehand 9EPS files or Illustrator files with fonts outlined and graphics embedded
  • Digital artwork may be submitted on CD or 100mb ZIP cartridge, or e-mailed to Patty Schuster at [email protected]. All digital ads must include hard copy of layout. If you have any questions, please call Patty at 315-635-4677.  HOPE can assist with layout and typesetting, or advertisers are welcome to submit a camera-ready ad.

Deadline for Ad inclusion in the program is October 25th, 2019.
Contact HOPE for other ad opportunities.

Download Advertisement Form

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